Mountain Trekking Tours

Discover yourself on top of the world!

Let’s face it: Spending hours walking up mountains, sometimes steep and uphill trails, in altitudes of 3000-4000m above sea level, is painful. At the same time, hikers believe it is one of the most rewarding activities for a human being. Why do we walk up mountains? For the stunning views, the lush landscapes, the clear waters, the botanical diversity. But also for the challenge, the personal achievement, this unique feeling of reaching a pass or a peak, the peace that one can feel in their heart while walking in silence through nature. While trying to catch our breath we reach passes up to 5000m high; we can admire snowy mountain peaks on our way, up to breathtaking 7500m high; light provided by sun or moon as well as clouds formations make us speechless in the face of such unique natural phenomena and beauty.

Every Mountain Trekking Tour is a multi-days adventure. It can include camping, and horses led by horsemen and -women, or it can mean staying in simple, local wooden houses overnight. SYLVIE gives you the professional support and organization to bring you up mountain trails reaching passes or peaks, and maybe also your limits. Open for fit and hiking experienced individuals to sign up, SYLVIE usually organizes 1x early summer and 1x autumn trek per year, exploring routes around magical snowy mountains in Northern Yunnan and Western Sichuan. If you want to go trekking during another period and with your own group of friends, don’t hesitate to contact us to set it up!


Read here what previous guests said about their experience with SYLVIE!

Contact us to inquire about your suitable Mountain Trekking Tour!

Check here on Upcoming Trips what exciting mountain treks we are offering in the near future for individual sign-ups!